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After-School ProgramsAfter-School Programs

After-School Programs

After-school respite programs for children who are OPWDD-approved
After-School Programs

Thriving After-Hours at Twilights

Thriving After-Hours at Twilights

A place to bond with friends and
build lifelong skills

After-school programs provide supper, homework support, and talent-building activities, and plain old fun for OPWDD-eligible children. And since the programs are open holidays and whenever school is off, they provide a much-needed break for families as well. Each of Twilights eight programs is highly customized to age and level, and provides reliable, door-to-door transportation.

“What would we do without Playhouse?”

“What would we do without Ahavas Golda?”

“What would we do without Fit with Friends?”

“What would we do without Buneini?”

- so many parents

The beauty and magic of Twilights

A peek at Hamaspik’s after-school programs



Lots of growth for your little one

Nothing comforts parents like a warm, loving oasis for their little ones. Though tailored to young children, Haktanim is not a babysitting service, but a thought-out, level-appropriate program. Circle time, game time, and music time do double duty, nurturing imagination and developing skills. 

Sundays — our full-day program — are creatively themed to teach the kids about the world around them. Each week also has its own theme, for example, “shopping week,” or “fire week,” which makes for exciting trips and activities. Walk through the halls of Haktanim and there’s so much you’ll see and hear. You’ll see kids proudly decorating their baked concoctions, you’ll hear children learning to ask polite questions like, “Are you finished with the book?” But beyond that, you’ll feel the love of each handpicked counselor and the joy of the children as they explore and discover. You’ll feel the beautiful spirit created by cheering, laughter, warmth, and connection.


  • Boys and girls with high-functioning diagnoses
  • Age: 2-9
  • Location: Boro Park


  • Sun: 11am-5:30pm
    : 3pm-5pm
  • Open legal holidays and school vacations


The place to play and thrive

Playhouse. Where the little ones are playful, homey, comfy, and cheerful. It begins with an early program in the sensory room, and the regular program starts at 4:30 pm with a welcome circle, where each child gets a joyous welcome. That’s followed by the dance circle (where each volunteer dances with “her” child), a nutritious supper, and delightful, themed activities that teach age-appropriate skills.

The Shabbos and Sunday Playhouse programs have their own special flavor — singing and davening with beautiful innocence. Heartwarming scenes are daily fare at Playhouse: a girl dropping a coin in the pushke, a boy hugging a plush velvet Sefer Torah, another boy making Kiddush on Shabbos, wearing a shtreimel and beketshe and feeling on top of the world. On weekdays, you can find the kids deeply engrossed in a story, dressing up, or having a grand time exploring the sandbox.

Playhouse is a personal program — a family — where we seek to help parents in any way we can. We know we’re succeeding when we see the huge smiles on those precious faces.


  • Boys and girls at various levels of  functioning
  • Age: 3-9
  • Location: Williamsburg


  • Sun: 10:30am-3:30pm
    Mon-Thurs: 3:30pm-6pm
    Shabbos: Afternoons
  • Note: Open on legal holidays
Ahavas Golda

Ahavas Golda

Where hearts connect

Ahavas Golda is a haven of beanbags and belonging; singing, and story time. Being a second home means being open seven days a week. After school. Sunday. Friday. Motzei Shabbos in the winter, too. It also means providing each girl with a nutritious meal — gluten-free, sugar-free, starch-free, or whatever her dietary specifications.

Each shift, the girls enjoy wholesome activities ranging from cooking to cookie decorating to shape dancing. Throughout the year, we devote time to developing talents like piano playing, and real-world skills such as caring for younger children.

Girls, parents, and staff members appreciate that Ahavas Golda is “like a small community — everyone knows each other and there’s a spirit of friendship.” 


  • Girls with high-functioning diagnoses
  • Age: 8-20
  • Location: Boro Park


  • Sun: Full day
    : Afternoons
  • Open Friday, Shabbos, and Motzei Shabbos
  • Open legal holidays and school vacations
Lev Chaya 

Lev Chaya 

A division of Ahavas Golda

Lev Chaya was specially formed for girls whose level of functioning is in-between, and need a more individualized program. Activities are hands-on and sensory-based, along with an emphasis on social skills and emotion regulation. The girls also join Ahavas Golda for specialty activities like animal therapy, guitar lessons, and trips.

Parents are thrilled watching how much their daughters are learning — and how much their counselors truly care for them. “The counselor really loves my daughter!” is a common refrain heard at Lev Chaya, a program that is true to its name.


  • Girls needing individualized care
  • Age: 7-14
  • Location: Boro Park


  • Sun:Full day
  • Open Shabbos and Motzei Shabbos
  • Open legal holidays and school vacations
Ahava Elite

Ahava Elite

A division of Ahavas Golda

Ahava Elite is geared toward graduates of the Ahavas Golda program, featuring advanced classes in computer skills, job training, and lots more. The individuals blossom in the mature and vibrant atmosphere, gaining friendship, skills, and stimulation on a higher level.


  • Young women with
    high-functioning diagnoses
  • Age: 21+
  • Location: Boro Park


  • Sun: Full day
  • Open Friday, Shabbos, and Motzei Shabbos
  • Open legal holidays and school vacations
Fit with Friends

Fit with Friends

Let’s dance the night away!

What started as a Zumba dance program now includes tap and karaoke — and a full-on cooking class. Fit with Friends is a program where high-functioning young women get to enjoy music, movement, and microphones. (Being in the spotlight! What can be better?) With so many of their siblings, friends, and relatives passionate about fitness, they’re delighted to have their own dose of evening exercise.

When the participants kept asking for more, Fit with Friends expanded to include a straight-from-school cooking program: Master Chef. From Monday through Thursday, straight after school, chefs’ hats are donned and the serious business of supper prep begins. It’s a happy hub of dicing, frying, mixing, and carefully copying down the recipe…  and a wonderful way to encourage healthy eating, creativity, and independence.

Above all the practical gains, Fit with Friends is a special place. “Dancing has a unique power,” the instructor observes. “Whenever I see a girl’s face light up, it’s a meaningful moment.”


  • Teens and young women
    with high-functioning
  • Age : 16+
  • Location: Boro Park


  • Sun: Full day


Where boys can be boys

At Buneini, boys and young men can express their often hard-to-contain energy in a healthy, enjoyable way. Following a delicious dinner after they arrive, they participate in special activities that speak to their hobbies and talents, like exercise, cooking, music, and woodworking.

Buneini is always open when yeshivah isn’t — even on Purim! Every Shabbos, the boys are treated to a full schedule of activities in keeping with the spirit of Shabbos — parshah, Tehillim, games, Minchah, and of course a special Shabbos party. In the winter, programming continues after Havdalah, where boys are kept busy and stimulated until they are dropped off at home tired but content — another day well spent at Bunieini!

These days you’d be hard-pressed to find a day on the calendar when Buneini isn’t running, but it wasn’t always this way. Moishy, an enthusiastic Buneini member, called the director in a tizzy one rare day in the earlier years when the program was closed.

After expressing disappointment that Buneini wasn't open, he innocently asked, “Maybe you can run the program today just for me? I love it so, so much!”


  • Boys with high-functioning diagnoses
  • Age : 9-21
  • Location: Boro Park


  • Sun: 2:45pm-5:30pm
    : 6pm-8pm
    Shabbos: Afternoons
More than ASR – Respite with Hamaspik’s trademark caring

More than ASR – Respite with Hamaspik’s trademark caring

Productive and enjoyable
after-school hours

  • Downtime in a warm, comfy setting
  • Social interaction in a calm, supervised environment
  • Skill-building in extracurricular areas
  • Attention from dedicated staff members
  • Loving care in a home-away-from-home atmosphere

A breather for
dedicated parents 

  • Respite from full-time caregiving
  • Calm during dinnertime for the rest of your family
  • Space to take care of the things on your plate
  • Time to reenergize before they get home
  • Renewed strength to lovingly greet your child
Culturally Sensitive Staff
Supervised Social Interaction
Fresh Food
On-site professional therapy

The highlight
of their year

Tzivi Gruenwald, Ahavas Golda Assistant Manager

Shabbatons are a special opportunity for children to experience an exhilarating Shabbos with friends and counselors, tailored especially to them. Families also appreciate this much-needed break, as weekends are often a challenging time at home.

Each Twilights program is treated to its own Shabbaton at the beautiful Hamaspik Resort in Rock Hill, New York. Every Shabbaton is a mammoth production with a dedicated team working around the clock to pull off every detail to perfection. Highlights include the Shabbos seudos where each participant gets to make their own Kiddush and enjoy delicious food, lots of spirited singing, and fun activities geared specifically to their level. Motzei Shabbos programming often includes concerts, with participants joining the performer on stage.

“One child who attended our program was selectively mute. We’d never heard her speak. We worked hard to get her an amazing counselor, who showered her with attention throughout the entire Shabbos. At Shalosh Seudos, to everyone’s disbelief, this child stood up and sang a solo! The warmth and positivity over Shabbos had enabled her to overcome her challenge and sing in public for the first time.”


The hearts behind the service

Hamaspik Team Member

Yehuda Spangelet

Department Director
Director of Day Services

“We have a great team. Really great. Everyone is passionate. Everyone is compassionate. They’d all go into the fire for our kids, and I’m not saying this lightly.”

  • Henny LangManager, Fit with Friends
  • Chaya Tziry JacobovitzManager, Playhouse
  • Risi HirschAssistant Manager, Playhouse
  • Yocheved LernerManager, Haktanim
  • Shaindy ZeidmanAssistant Manager, Haktanim
  • Suri MoskowitzManager, Ahavas Golda
  • Tzivy GreenwaldAssistant Manager, Ahavas Golda
  • Chaim LowiManager, Buneini

Interested in an
Respite program?

If you are already OPWDD-approved, reach out and find
out which Twilights program is a fit for you.
If you don’t yet have an OPWDD approval, let us know
— our efficient intake team will help you get started.

Note: You may be eligible for a psychological evaluation even if you are not OPWDD-approved. 
Call us to schedule an appointment.

group 26502How our services help you
Siblings are special too

Siblings of children with special needs have special needs, too!

Dr. Sora Yaraslowitz offers wise guidance on dealing with the emotional and practical challenges many sibs face. It’s advice you'll refer to time and again.

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