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Intervention Behavioral ServicesIntervention Behavioral Services

Intervention Behavioral Services

Short-term intervention for acute behavioral issues

Troubleshoot a disruptive behavior and restore equilibrium

This service is designed to address and resolve a specific behavior that is disruptive and unsustainable, giving parents and caregivers back their stability and ability to continue to care for the individual.

Who is eligible?

Participants must meet these criteria to apply for this service via Hamaspik of Kings County.

Here’s how it works:

Here’s how it works:

  • A Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is performed by a certified professional such as an LMSW, and a plan to address the issue is put in place.
  • A one-on-one provider overseen by an LMSW is assigned to work directly with the individual to modify behavior, offering support and guidance to parents and caregivers.
  • Behavior is reevaluated every three months, and services will continue only if needed for up to a year.


Sheryl was at the end of her rope. Ben, her nonverbal son would insist on eating after bedtime, and would become violent if not given food, biting at Sheryl’s arms to the point where she was afraid of him — he was quite strong and uncontrollable!

Sara, the provider, observed this behavior and came up with a plan to stop it in its tracks, giving Sheryl specific suggestions. Step one was to wear a jacket for those few hours so her arms were not as accessible to Ben. Next, she instructed Sheryl to set up a few snacks in Ben’s room and explain that if he is hungry he can eat those, but he cannot ask for more. They gradually started leaving fewer snacks, whittling it down to two and then just one snack, effectively modifying the problematic behavior.

Within a few months, Ben’s intense aggression subsided and Sheryl felt relieved and empowered. She had been desperate enough to consider placement for Ben, but after his treatment through Intensive Behavioral Services, she was able to shelve that idea and enjoy his company again.


The hearts behind the service

Hamaspik Team

Joel Lefkovits

Department Director
Director of OPWDD-HCBS Services

“Individuals whose parents were told they’d need to be pulled out of schools and summer programs due to severely disruptive and damaging behavior are now able to remain, thanks to Intervention Behavioral Services. Families have gotten their peace and stability back in ways they never thought possible.”

Hamaspik Team

Interested in
Intervention Behavioral

If you are already OPWDD-approved, reach out and find out if this program is a fit for you. If you don't yet have an OPWDD approval, let us know — our efficient intake team will help you get started.

Note: You can begin to benefit right away, while you wait for approval! Once you start the intake process, Hamaspik can start you off with specific support programs for temporary relief.

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Siblings are special too

Siblings of children with special needs have special needs, too!

Dr. Sora Yaraslowitz offers wise guidance on dealing with the emotional and practical challenges many sibs face. It’s advice you'll refer to time and again.

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