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Benefits and EntitlementsBenefits and Entitlements

Benefits and Entitlements

Get help applying for government programs you may be eligible for

Find out what kind of assistance you may qualify for

We’re fortunate to live in a time where there are unprecedented levels of acceptance for people with disabilities, with so much help and support available. From fitness classes to stairlifts or a monthly stipend, help of this sort adds up and can give you a bit of breathing space. The problem is, it’s hard to know what you’re entitled to and how to apply for it.

Each of these benefit programs has its own set of guidelines and some have predetermined caps, so even if you qualify, the funding may not be immediately available. Our staff is intimately familiar with these programs and we’ll always do our very best to get you the help you need.

Who is eligible?

Participants must meet these criteria to apply for this service via Hamaspik of Kings County.

  • Live in NYC or Nassau County
  • Have an intellectual or developmental disability
  • Age criteria varies for each program
Here are some of the OPWDD benefits we can help you apply for:

Here are some of the OPWDD benefits we can help you apply for:

  • E-Mods — Physical modifications to your home. Handicap-accessible adaptations like wider doorways, bathroom modifications, and ramps. These costs can be prohibitive without help.
  • V-Mods — Vehicle adaptations to accommodate wheelchairs and special equipment.

  • Assistive Technology — Specialized wheelchairs and other technology that helps people with disabilities overcome a limitation.
  • FSS — Allowable items whose costs can be reimbursed if they are proven as a need related to the individual's disability. For example, therapy tunnels and floor mats can be covered if needed.

Here are some of the OPWDD benefits we can help you apply for:

Here are some of the OPWDD benefits we can help you apply for:

  • E-Mods — Physical modifications to your home. Handicap-accessible adaptations like wider doorways, bathroom modifications, and ramps. These costs can be prohibitive without help.
  • V-Mods — Vehicle adaptations to accommodate wheelchairs and special equipment.

  • Assistive Technology — Specialized wheelchairs and other technology that helps people with disabilities overcome a limitation.
  • FSS — Allowable items whose costs can be reimbursed if they are proven as a need related to the individual's disability. For example, therapy tunnels and floor mats can be covered if needed.

Here are some additional benefits you may be eligible for:

  • SSI — This federal program provides a monthly stipend to people with limited income and a qualifying disability. For children, it can be used to help care for them. For adults, it allows a measure of independence and support if they cannot work.
  • Access to Home — The NYS Access to Home Program provides financial assistance to make residential units accessible for low- and moderate-income persons with disabilities.

  • Restore — NYS grants can cover emergency home repairs and adaptations for senior citizens ages 60 and over.

Ramping up
the effort 

A concerned family contacted us about their deteriorating ramp. It could no longer hold the weight of the wheelchair, and without safe access to the outdoors, their loved one would be confined to home all day, every day. The contractors they had consulted explained that the only option was to replace it. Due to the complex layout of the home, the lowest price they could get was a costly $25,000.

Our dedicated coordinator got on the case, skillfully negotiating approval with the relevant agency by strategically presenting photos, detailed explanations, and compelling reasons to prove this client’s eligibility.
The family was effusive with their gratitude when the coordinator was successful in getting the family approved for a generously sized, well-designed ramp that could comfortably accommodate the wheelchair!


The hearts behind the service

Hamaspik Members

Dini Freund

Department Director
Director of Intake
Hamaspik Members

Miriam Gantz

Benefits and Entitlements Agency Liaison

"It's so rewarding to be able to provide this public service — for example, we were able to get FSS for a child who was never covered before, which brought such great relief to his mom."

Interested in Benefits
and Entitlements?

The programs are generally available to individuals with disabilities — but there are different criteria for each one. If you think you may be eligible for one or more of these programs, please reach out. Our efficient team will help you get started.

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Siblings are special too

Siblings of children with special needs have special needs, too!

Dr. Sora Yaraslowitz offers wise guidance on dealing with the emotional and practical challenges many sibs face. It’s advice you'll refer to time and again.

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