Learn what to say and what not to say when
explaining mental health struggles to a child.
We’ll also send you occasional updates about relevant programs and new services.
Of course, you can opt-out at any time. Your information will not be shared with anyone.
Tell us a little about the person who needs help, and we'll tell you what we can do.
Explore them, see if they interest you, and then let's talk.
Brokers help you arrange services via Self-Direction
Application and enrollment for a lifetime of OPWDD services
Home placement for people with significant needs
Supervised, state-of-the-art residences for people who need out-of-home placement
A short-term respite home for people with special needs
Manage your budget using our excellent fiscal intermediary service
Short-term intervention for acute behavioral issues
One-on-one skills training with a focus on employment
One-on-one support to help develop independent living skills within the community
Support, respite for caregivers, and breathing space for families
Housing support for high-functioning individuals who can live independently
Get help applying for government programs you may be eligible for
A night out for mothers of children with special needs
A virtual, anonymous support group — for anyone, anywhere
Critical support to manage new needs
Full-service agency from birth to three years
Prenatal and postnatal guidance and support
A licensed, full-service mental health clinic
A support system for adults experiencing emotional or mental health challenges
A support system for children experiencing emotional or chronic health challenges
A licensed, full-service mental health clinic
Off-site social-emotional services for children
Nursing home-level care for adults with cognitive impairment or decline
Day programs for adults who are OPWDD-approved
After-school respite programs for children who are OPWDD-approved
Therapeutic and psychiatric services for people with developmental disabilities
Let's talk about the enrollment process.
All calls are confidential.
We want to see every
one of our clients living
a bright and productive life, filled with happy moments. At the same time, we provide extensive support to ease the strain on the families who carry the weight of their care.
If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a Hamaspik-sized team to raise a child with significant challenges. Dealing with developmental delays and mental health challenges is huge — and we don't want you to feel lost, confused or alone — ever again.
We want to see every one of our clients living a bright and productive life, filled with happy moments. At the same time, we provide extensive support to ease the strain on the families who carry the weight of their care.
If it takes a village to
raise a child, it takes
a Hamaspik-sized team
to raise a child with
significant challenges.
Dealing with developmental
disabilities and mental health challenges
is huge — and we don't want you to feel
lost, confused or alone — ever again.
Hamaspik of Kings County grows, develops, and expands in response to your needs.
At Hamaspik of Kings County, we recognize the diversity of the people we service. Our goal is for each of our clients to feel heard and understood, by support people who speak your language and grasp your cultural needs.
As our reach widens, we recruit more local staff. As we hear your feedback, we double down to fill every last cultural gap. Our dedicated workers aim to bring smiles to your loved ones and more relief for you.
English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew, and Yiddish
NEWBORN SUPPORT: Worried about your baby's prognosis? Discuss it with Surie Morgenstern, director of Pillar Support.
Your challenge isn't confined to
specific times or places.
What happens when the schedule simply is. not. working.? When it feels impossible to schedule even a short winter getaway? When you're sure no one ever dealt with a mess this bad?
You’re no longer alone. Tap into a variety of support options to ease the day-to-day grind, equip your child with necessary skills, and give yourself some time to just breathe.
You'll be strengthened, and others will draw strength from you, too. You'll advise and you'll accept advice. You'll empathize and feel encouraged.
Because when you've been
there, you just know.
My son has been getting services with Hamaspik since the pandemic. My broker taught me really well, and if there are any questions with paperwork, Mindy reaches out to me right away. Communication is always simple. I highly recommend Hamaspik!
Mary Delgado, Queens NY
My son has been getting services with Hamaspik since the pandemic. My broker taught me really well, and if there are any questions with paperwork, Mindy reaches out to me right away. Communication is always simple. I highly recommend Hamaspik!
Mary Delgado, Queens NY
My son has been getting services with Hamaspik since the pandemic. My broker taught me really well, and if there are any questions with paperwork, Mindy reaches out to me right away. Communication is always simple. I highly recommend Hamaspik!
Mary Delgado, Queens NY
Anyone can say, "We'll do everything possible to help". But Hamaspik has a different definition of 'everything possible'. Limits don't stop us. Protocols don't confine us. From the leadership down, our 3,800-strong staff shares a passion that goes way beyond the typical caring-within-the-framework help.
Nobody 'gets it' like someone who's been there. Many of the people who work here are also Hamaspik clientele. They service you from a place of deep understanding.
You — the front lines caregivers — know best what is needed. If you have an idea of how we can serve people better, we want to hear it.
When we extend ourselves to help our clients and involve our communities in our efforts, we create welcoming havens for anyone challenged by life's circumstances.
And we're here to provide answers.
Please tell us how we can make things easier for you.
All calls are confidential.
All calls are confidential.
Services, support, and hope for people with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges in New York City and Nassau County
© 2024 Hamaspik of Kings County, All rights reserved