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Prevocational ServicesPrevocational Services

Prevocational Services

One-on-one skills training with a focus on employment

To each their own — their own skills and abilities, maximized

The Hamaspik prevocational program focuses on skills every person needs to land and hold down a job. Although not everyone will progress to a paid position, there’s a lot to be gained from engaging with the workforce in an environment that is tailored to their interests and abilities.

The skills and training participants receive in the program are designed to give them the opportunity to eventually go to a workplace, chat with coworkers, and meet new people — just like every other adult in the community. And when they do, the sense of accomplishment and pride at having a job like everyone else will give them so much to be proud of. 

It is gratifying to see some of our clients spend their days using their skills in workplaces such as schools, Amazon warehouses, meat processing plants, groceries, printing companies, and music stores among others.

Who is eligible?

Participants must meet these criteria to apply for this service via Hamaspik of Kings County.

  • Live in NYC or Nassau County
  • Have a developmental disability
  • Be aged out of school
We work it all out:

We work it all out:

  • The client receives encouragement and individualized coaching at all stages of the process, which may include soft skills like conflict resolution, accountability, and punctuality, as well as industry-specific training. 
  • As individuals progress through the training program, they’ll typically start their work experience as a volunteer. In some cases, they may be eligible to become a paid worker once they achieve the requisite milestones.
  • We collaborate with the prevocational provider on an ongoing basis to make sure the arrangement is working well for them. If there are any issues, we’re there to smooth things out.
  • A supplemental program pays several dollars per hour of prevocational training provided. This can be used toward incentives and tools to encourage the individual during the training.

Jobs that make them feel like a "mensch" 

Three young men share their experiences

Yitzchak, the Amazon warehouse manager
All my friends had jobs, and I really wanted one, too. I needed a reason to wake up on time just like everyone else. I got assessed to find out about my hobbies and strengths, and then I got a job working in an Amazon warehouse. I prepare deliveries and pack up boxes and I love it! My mother is so happy, she calls Mr. Feldman (the program manager) every month to thank him for finding me such a great job. 

David, the chocolate factory guy
I used to work for a construction company making coffee for employees. It was really boring — how many coffees a day can people drink? I ended up playing with my tablet most of the day. I was so happy when Hamaspik found me a job at a chocolate factory. I really like chocolate so it’s a good job for me. I’m too busy to use my tablet too much during the day now. That’s a good thing. I text my boss every day telling him how much I love my job.

Shea, the grocery manager
Before I got my job I was home all day. I used to get angry, every little thing bothered me, and my mother got upset — because I had nothing to do and I was bored. Getting a job changed my whole life. I’m already working at the grocery for a whole year! I am busy at work now, packing boxes and bringing them out to people’s cars. At home I am much happier, and also my mother is much happier with me. It’s all because I got a job, I feel like a mensch now.


The hearts behind the service

Hamaspik Team

Joel Lefkovits

Department Director
Director of OPWDD-HCBS Services

“People are surprised to learn just how much an individual can be capable of. We have adults in wheelchairs with significant limitations successfully holding down productive jobs — and getting paid for it.”

Hamaspik Team

Interested in
prevocational training
and placement?

If you are already OPWDD-approved, reach out and find
out if this program is a fit for you. If you don't yet have an OPWDD approval, let us know — our efficient intake team will help you get started.

Note: You can begin to benefit right away, while you wait for approval! Once you start the intake process, Hamaspik can start you off with specific support programs for temporary relief.

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