Housing Subsidy

Housing support for high-functioning individuals who can live independently

A home of your own, with all the space you need

Moving out on your own is the mark of adulthood for most people. Parents, too, want to see their child settled independently — and happily. But what happens when someone’s earning potential is very limited?

Adults with identified needs who are able to live on their own can get subsidized rent via the OPWDD Housing Subsidy Program.

If you like your independence, it’s worth finding out if you’re eligible for the Housing Subsidy. When you live on your own, you get to make your own decisions about what to eat, when to shop, and how to spend a vacation weekend. That’s a new level of quality of life.

Who is eligible?

Participants must meet these criteria to apply for this service via Hamaspik of Kings County.

A safety net makes the move possible

  • If you need daily living assistance, you may be eligible for 1:1 support through the Com Hab service. A DSP (Direct Service Professional), also called a worker, can help you with all kinds of tasks, from following the recipe for your favorite pasta to reviewing credit card statements to treating stains.
  • When approved for the housing subsidy, you will be required to contribute part of your income toward the rent. If you receive SSI (Supplemental Security Income), some of those funds will be used to pay your share.

A safety net makes the move possible

  • If you need daily living assistance, you may be eligible for 1:1 support through the Com Hab service. A DSP (Direct Service Professional), also called a worker, can help you with all kinds of tasks, from following the recipe for your favorite pasta to reviewing credit card statements to treating stains.
  • When approved for the housing subsidy, you will be required to contribute part of your income toward the rent. If you receive SSI (Supplemental Security Income), some of those funds will be used to pay your share.

Sara’s Story

An increase just in time!

Sara lives independently in subsidized housing. Happily married, she works at a dentist's office, while her husband stocks shelves at the local grocery. Their joint income along with the housing subsidy benefits she receives allows them to live independent and satisfying lives together.

A couple of years ago, when Sara’s husband was suddenly unable to work due to a surgery, she panicked. Her subsidy was not enough to cover their rent — which had also recently been raised!

Luckily, Hamaspik of Kings County had her back. We reached out to the Housing Subsidy department in Albany and were able to secure individual subsidies for both Sara and her husband.

Sara was so relieved to be able to cover her rent. And knowing that Hamaspik is there to offer the support she needs continues to empower her every day.

The hearts behind the service

Dini Freund

Director Director of Intake

Miriam Gantz

Benefits and Entitlements Agency Liaison

“Giving someone the ability to live on their own goes a long way to actualizing Hamaspik’s mission — making it possible for them to have a fulfilling, productive life.”

Interested in the
Housing Subsidy

If you are already OPWDD-approved, reach out and find out if this program is a fit for you. If you don't yet have an OPWDD approval, let us know — our efficient intake team will help you get started.

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